Here are the things I am encouraging myself with:
1. By the time I get to ET I will have read through my Bible and completed P90X so I should be in great shape both spiritually and physically:)
2. More time waiting means more time to raise funds:)
3. I may get to go skiing with Agape:) (note to Agape kids: you all need to sign up for the retreat b/c in order for me to go there needs to be enough kids to justify another leader. And trust me you want me to go. I'm super cool:)
4. George and I have enough time to sneak off for a weekend away to Lancaster (yay!).
And lastly. . . .
5. The longer we wait the closer in age our baby will likely be with my sister Tara's baby!!!!! We are all praising God that after several years of praying and hoping, Tara and Jamie will be having a baby this August. If you want to follow their story check out her blog: It's a Wonderful Life.
On a completely different topic I feel I should let you, my few but faithful followers, know the new favorite family activity in our house: roller skating. Now for those of you that have been to my house you realize how odd this is. For those of you that haven't you should know that I can vacuum my entire house using only one outlet. We don't exactly have a roller rink in the east wing. Of course safety is always of the utmost importance in our home so my girls knew that helmets were necessary for their skating adventures. Without being told they went and got their helmets. Safety first people. The best part about this is that they don't always remember to take the helmets OFF. They will spend hours with their helmets on, drawing, eating, reading, whatever. I don't say anything because, well, it's pretty funny to watch them walk around with helmets on and really I need things to laugh about:)