Thursday, April 7, 2011

8 Months and Pampered Chef

We have been DTE (dossier to Ethiopia) for 8 months now!!  On one hand it feels crazy long and then on the other it really doesn't seem so bad.  We've been crazy busy and our days have been very full!  The good side is, as I've said before, everyday we wait means our baby will likely be closer in age to his cousin to be:)  Also, at this point we may not have to take any time off of school to go to Ethiopia because our trips will be in the summer (that's assuming that we ever finish first grade;)

So for now, we wait.  We're ok with it but definetely jumping everytime the phone rings.  OH did I mention we are NUMBER TWO on the infant boy list?!?!?  That means that our phone could ring litereally any second with a referal call and we would see our son's face!!!  Or we could sit at two for weeks or even months.  Who knows??  Well, God does and that's a good thing!

Now for the fundraiser part!  Our adoptive buddy Carmen became a Pampered Chef consultant and is doing a fundraiser for us.  All you have to do is go to her page click on "Shop Online" put in "DeVol" as the host and start shopping!  It's so easy!!!!  Pampered Chef has so many great things, especially for Mothers Day or if you have a friend/sister/daughter/wife who happens to be a baker.  Maybe you could get her some cookie sheets or the mega lifter  to lift her cakes, or maybe some mini muffin pans.  You know, if you know someone who likes those kinds of things;)

Also, please feel free to spread the word about this fundraiser!


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